How to Convert HTTP to HTTPS and Why It’s Better for Security

A 3D illustration of a pink padlock icon surrounded by digital blocks, representing cybersecurity and data protection. The contrast between the neon pink lock and the dark, geometric blocks emphasizes the importance of securing information in a digital landscape.

Website security is more important than ever, we can all agree on that. The reason is quite simple; the number of cyber-attacks has skyrocketed in the last decade.

One of the key ways to ensure a secure browsing experience is by converting your website from HTTP to HTTPS. HTTPS not only protects sensitive user data but also offers SEO benefits and enhances user trust.

That is why we will explore the step-by-step process of converting to HTTPS and explain why making this switch is essential for your website’s security and overall performance.

Definition of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

HTTP, or HyperText Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of communication on the web. It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted between servers and browsers. The protocol allows web pages to load and communicate with different websites and services.

However, HTTP lacks encryption, meaning data transmitted between the user and the server is open to interception. It is especially concerning when dealing with sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, or personal data.

  • Lack of Encryption: HTTP transfers data in plain text, making it susceptible to hacking.
  • No Data Integrity: Data can be intercepted and altered without detection.
  • Limited Use in Modern Websites: Increasingly, modern websites are moving away from HTTP in favor of HTTPS due to the heightened security needs of users.

Relying on HTTP alone poses significant risks, making the case for HTTPS even stronger.

Definition of HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, adding a layer of encryption to data exchanges between users and websites.

It is an additional security is made possible through:

HTTPS helps protect users’ privacy, preventing hackers from accessing sensitive data like login credentials, credit card details, and personal information.

  • Encryption: All data transferred via HTTPS is encrypted, ensuring that only authorized parties can read it.
  • Authentication: HTTPS ensures the website a user is interacting with is legitimate, protecting against fake or malicious sites.
  • Data Integrity: HTTPS guarantees that data isn’t altered or corrupted during transfer.

The secure nature of HTTPS makes it a standard practice for e-commerce, banking, and any website handling user-sensitive information.

Importance of the HTTPS Protocol in Securing User Data

Importance of the HTTPS Protocol in Securing User Data

The primary role of HTTPS is to secure the connection between a user’s browser and the server. By encrypting the data, it ensures that sensitive information like passwords, payment details, and personal messages are shielded from unauthorized access.

HTTPS also ensures that users are interacting with authentic websites, reducing the risk of phishing attacks. HTTPS helps maintain data integrity, so the information transferred remains unaltered and complete.

HTTPS is crucial for both businesses and users. From a business perspective, it builds trust with customers, especially when dealing with payment transactions.

For users, HTTPS means they can browse the web with a greater sense of security, knowing their data is protected.

Google’s Push for HTTPS in 2014 and Its Impact on Web Security

In 2014, Google made a strong push for HTTPS by announcing that it would give preference to secure sites in its search engine rankings. This move was part of a larger initiative to improve web security globally.

As a result, website owners began adopting HTTPS more widely to avoid penalties in search rankings and to meet users’ rising expectations for secure browsing experiences.

Google’s push for HTTPS changed the web security landscape:

  • Search Engine Ranking: Websites using HTTPS saw a boost in their search engine visibility.
  • Increased Adoption: More websites shifted to HTTPS, leading to improved overall web security.
  • User Expectations: HTTPS became the standard, and users began to expect the green padlock symbol when visiting websites.

This initiative significantly contributed to the increase in secure browsing across the web.

Why HTTPS Is Better for Security

Why HTTPS Is Better for Security

Now let us take a look at why is HTTPS better for security.

Data Encryption

One of the key features of HTTPS is data encryption. By encrypting the data exchanged between the user and the server, HTTPS prevents unauthorized parties from accessing sensitive information.

Even if a hacker intercepts the communication, the encrypted data will be unreadable without the appropriate decryption key.

  • Prevents Eavesdropping: Ensures that no third party can monitor the communication between a user and the server.
  • Ensures Privacy: Keeps sensitive information such as credit card numbers, personal data, and passwords secure.

Data Integrity

Data integrity is a crucial benefit of HTTPS. It ensures that any information sent or received cannot be tampered with or altered during transmission.

It is especially important for transactions and sensitive communications, where even a minor modification can have serious consequences.

  • Tamper-Proof Data: Ensures the data remains intact and unaltered during transmission.
  • Prevents Corruption: Reduces the risk of data corruption during transit.


HTTPS also provides authentication, ensuring that users are communicating with legitimate websites.

By verifying the identity of the server, HTTPS reduces the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, where hackers pose as legitimate websites to steal data.

  • Website Verification: Helps users identify legitimate websites, preventing phishing attempts.
  • Trust Building: Builds trust by confirming that a website is safe to use.

Protection from Hackers

Why HTTPS Is Better for Security - Protection from Hackers

HTTPS offers robust protection against various hacking techniques, including man-in-the-middle attacks and data sniffing.

The encryption provided by HTTPS ensures that even if a hacker intercepts the data, they won’t be able to access its contents.

  • Blocks Third-Party Access: Prevents unauthorized entities from gaining access to user data.
  • Secures Online Transactions: Essential for e-commerce sites handling financial information.

Additional Benefits of HTTPS

Now that we know the major benefits, what about the ones that are less visible at first?

Benefit Description Advantages
Improved SEO Google gives preference to secure sites in rankings, boosting their visibility. Secure sites rank higher on Google. Better Ranking, Increased Traffic
Credibility and Trust HTTPS builds credibility by showing users their data is safe. Boosts user confidence and leads to higher conversion rates. Boosts User Confidence, Encourages Conversions
Performance Improvement HTTPS with HTTP/2 reduces latency and improves load times, especially for content-heavy sites. Faster Load Times, Better User Experience
Browser Labels Browsers display padlock or green labels for HTTPS, signaling secure connections to users. Padlock Symbol, Green Label

Steps to Convert HTTP to HTTPS

Steps to Convert HTTP to HTTPS

Now let us talk about the steps in the process of converting from one form to another one.

Buy an SSL Certificate

The first step in converting to HTTPS is purchasing an SSL certificate. SSL certificates come in different types, such as:

  • Domain Validation (DV)
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Extended Validation (EV)

Choosing the right one depends on the nature of your website and your security needs.

Install the SSL Certificate

Once the SSL certificate is purchased, it must be installed on your server. This can typically be done through your hosting provider or with the help of a plugin if you’re using a content management system like WordPress.

Update Internal Links to HTTPS

To fully switch your site to HTTPS, you’ll need to update all internal links from HTTP to HTTPS. This includes links in your content, images, stylesheets, and scripts.

Set Up 301 Redirects

301 redirects are essential for directing any HTTP traffic to the new HTTPS URLs. Without these redirects, users may end up on broken pages or non-secure versions of your site, which can impact SEO.

Check the Compatibility of External Features

Make sure that any external features, such as embedded videos or social media feeds, support HTTPS. If these elements still use HTTP, they could cause mixed content warnings in browsers.

Update Your Sitemap and Submit to Google Search Console

After switching to HTTPS, update your sitemap to reflect the new URLs and submit it to Google Search Console. This ensures that search engines properly index your site and understand the change to HTTPS.

Enable HTTP/2 and HSTS (optional)

For an additional boost in performance, you can enable HTTP/2, which reduces load times. You may also enable HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security), which forces browsers to only load your site over HTTPS.

Challenges and Solutions in Converting to HTTPS

Challenges and Solutions in Converting to HTTPS

Now let us address the challenges you might come across.

Issues with Shared Hosting

One challenge when converting to HTTPS is the potential complications with shared hosting.

Some shared hosting providers require a dedicated IP address for SSL certificates, which can add to the cost or complexity of the conversion.

Mixed Content

Mixed content issues arise when elements on your site, such as images or scripts, are still being served over HTTP.

This can cause security warnings in browsers and reduce the effectiveness of your HTTPS implementation.

Technical Issues During Migration

Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS can present technical issues, particularly for sites running on content management systems (CMS).

These problems can range from plugin compatibility to the need for extensive testing to ensure that the site works correctly after the switch.


Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS is essential for maintaining security and credibility in today’s digital landscape.

Though technical challenges may arise, the long-term benefits in terms of security, SEO, and user trust far outweigh the effort required for the transition.